Personal narrative brainstorming
- My 1st sleepover *
- My 1st dog
MY FIRST sleepover was super fun, my first sleepover was when I was 10 so not that long ago well anyways. My mom was super excited that I was turning my double-digits but I thought I was getting old. She said since I was going to be in 5th grade soon I should have the best last minutes as a 4th grader. So she decided to do a sleep over right before summer break and that is what we did and let me tell you it was 1 night I will never forget. I had invited 2 of my friends India and jeylin even though I had only invited two people it was still a lot of fun we really didn’t plan anything so my friends showed up and they asked what we were gonna do I didn’t really know. So went to the mall it was very fun we some stuff not slot and we also bathed the dogs even though that wasn’t really fun it was actually really fun for us we didn’t even go to sleep once. We snuck the dogs out of there cage and let them out all night wondering it was just a wonder time.

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