Chicago history John Wayne Gacy
Our class was given an assiment we had to pick the top 3 and i picked John Wayne gacy as my assiment because he was a very weird and interesting and crazy at the same time. I choose john for my Chicago assiment because he seemed interesting. His first killing was on accident that’s what they believe and he wasn’t wearing his clown outfit when he did his first kill so what made him wear it for all the other ones. That is why i choose john beacuse he is just so interesting and just fills my head with a million question. And he confessed to his killings but I didn’t understand why he confessed beacuse he killied 33 teenagers with all that in his killing all that work and he just confess that is also why there is a story behind all the i have seen forestic fillies to much and i know that a killier like john would have never confessed he had already been in jail before and he knows how bad it is so why come out of jail and starting killing again. When you have a fresh strart you have kids and you know the experience in jail already and you just confess something is not putting the pieces together and i am determined to find out.
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