Book Review
A book that read recently is called "Smile" it is a graphic novel adout a teen who is getting braces for the first time. Some of her experiences are amazing but some are horrible but Raina the character in the book is always learning new things life goals and E.T.C. But what I most like about the book is that it is an experience of what a teen would have and they feel like everyone goes thru this and teaches us what other people go thru when they have braces. One of my favorite parts of the book is when she goes back to school after after a long break she still has her braces but it is her first time going to school with braces. That is my favorite part because she knew people where gonna talk a lot because it is her first time in school after a long break Raina knew a lot of people had made rumors or were wondering how she looked now but Raina didn't care she still had the courage to go to School and face rumors kids and bullies. I recommend this book for a lot of teen kids to see how its like.
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